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For Individuals


At AFRESH we have designed a unique all inclusive programme to help our clients re-energise and get more from their lives. If you frequently feel tired and could do with more energy, you would benefit from our AFRESH programme. Many of us rush our meals often standing or on the run not giving ourselves the time to digest our food correctly resulting in a mid afternoon slump. We offer a practical adaptable approach to help our clients achieve high energy levels by:

Identifying any energy draining food intolerances

In today's society we have developed certain food intolerances which may result in indigestion and lack of energy. For example did you know that white bread and white sugar require our digestive system to work overtime and thereby deplete our energy levels. We help you identify what foods you may be specifically intolerant to and provide solutions to substitute these.

Helping to understand the principles required to eat well

We adopt a no-nonsense, practical approach which is tailored to your needs and lifestyles. We offer sound nutritional advice in relation to the foods you eat as well as the methods of preparation. We all want faster, quicker food. We have solutions which cater to this need whilst maintaining balanced eating.

Adapting a practical eating and exercise plan to suit all lifestyles

Whether you are a busy mother catering for a family or a pressurised executive with little time or flexibility to plan meals, we provide you with options to meet your lifestyle.

Implementing the plan to get results

As with all our programmes it is through our wide range of expertise and proven advanced coaching techniques that we provide you with the set of tools to implement your plan to re-energise and commit to it long term.